Apple is expected to unveil its first wearable device this year. The iWatch could feature an OLED display, be available in two screen sizes, and include wireless charging.
Todd Hamilton - a user interface designer by San Francisco, CA - has come up with a brilliant concept for Apple’s widely rumoured smartwatch inspired by an iWatch mockup on Dribbble and iOS 7, that combines a Nike Fuelband. The concept basically imagines the iWatch with vertical controls – that might just be the best iWatch concept released to date. Unlike Bogner’s design, the mockup imagines the rumored device with vertical controls. The change in design, according to Hamilton, reflects “something Apple would actually produce”.
The concept shows a black and white lock screen, displaying the time, date, and a button to activate Siri. The springboard features four app icons with a page controller on the right. A press of the home button brings the user back to the lock screen.
Sours: welldonestuff
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